Sitting Under Trees

If you haven’t discovered Nicole Cody’s blog, Cauldrons and Cupcakes, I recommend taking a look. This is one blog where I try not to miss a post.

Nicole writes stories from her own spiritual path, her experience with Lyme disease and shares insightful ways to connect with the world around us. Seven weeks ago, she started her 8-week Create Positive Change Program. Every Sunday (Monday for her) she has posted a new exercise designed to help you clarify and take action in whatever way you would like to move forward in your life. To pull a quote from one of her posts:

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. – John Rohn

An activity I committed to early on in the program is to sit under a tree for at least 15 minutes a day. Sometimes the most simple acts done every single day can create powerful change. I live in Seattle. For some reason I had this belief that I wouldn’t be able to find “real” nature in the city. Now I realize thinking that way has been an huge block to my health and my connection to the earth.

I am finding great trees all over the place, now. All I need is to lay down near the trunk, close my eyes and tap into the tree’s energy and the city seems to melt away. My favorite trees are the ones with all the low hanging branches. I tuck myself in and feel like I am in my own nest.

This simple act has been so restorative for me. I am now at week 6 of no refined sugar or chocolate. I don’t know what happens physiologically at week 6, but for me that’s when all the emotions I had been blocking with sugar and chocolate come pouring out. This usually means I can start crying at any moment. It felt so wonderful last night to lay in the nest created by three cedar trees and just let the tears pour out as the trees held me. I had a vision of rain streaming over me, cleansing me, and all the sadness flowing into the earth to be transformed into good.


Another day, as I lay with my eyes closed, I started hearing something close by. I opened my eyes to find two birds playing a game chasing each other up and down the tree trunk. It was so fun to feel like I was a part of their play. Every day, I discover something new about myself or the world around me. As I sit or lie under the trees I feel so loved, supported and connected. I can feel the trees working their magic on me. It’s beautiful and fills me tenderness. I encourage you to try it.

To support you to reset your energy and align with the new, I have created a new offer:

Spring Cleaning for Your Soul

Clear old, stuck energy and step into renewed clarity and sense of direction. Reclaim more of yourself. We’ll do it together in 6 weeks of fun, soulful, clearing and integration.

Learn More Here

I look forward to working with you!