Teresa Rieland: littleveg  sweetveg

Seattle, WA

MJ Conboy:  MJ’s Plant Smart Kitchen

Macrobiotic Teachers and Counselors

Michael Rossoff: Website

David and Cynthia Briscoe:  Macrobiotics America Global  

Denny Waxman: Strengthening Health Institute

Melanie Waxman:  Website

Marlene and Bill Tara:  MACROVegan

Oliver Cowmeadow: International Macrobiotic School

Articles and Videos

Does a Macrobiotic Diet Help with Diabetes?

Sugar:  The Bitter Truth lecture by Robert H. Lustig, MD  

Movie:  Forks Over Knives

Melanie Joy:  Carnism:  The Psychology of Eating Meat 

Dr. Doug Lisle:  The Pleasure Trap


Natural Import Company

Maine Seaweed:

Goldmine Natural Foods  

South River Miso

Suzanne’s Specialties

Ladd Hill Chestnuts

Natural Lifestyle (they often have SI sea salt)


The Macrobiotic Guide:

George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation:

Macrobiotic Centre of Toronto

Macrobiotic Institute of Portugal