Doing the Next Hardest Thing

posted in: Articles, choosing connection | 2


I spend a lot of time thinking about how to move my life forward in a big way. Sometimes this means deciding to go for something even if it feels like I can’t and even if I don’t want to.

The past few months have been intense for me and I know that I’m not alone. Read this recent post over at Cauldrons and Cupcakes to get Nicole’s take on the energies swirling around and influencing us during this time.

In the past few months, I have quit a job and jumped completely into the world of self-employment. I taught a six class series, organized a workshop and moved into a new home. I started providing meals for Dyne, led a one-hour class on eliminating racism, led a support group, started hosting travelers from other countries, opened a healing arts business and participated in a psychic panel. These are all new ventures and I have had to step way outside of my comfort zone to embrace them.

Each one of these things entailed waking up and taking action even when it felt hard. Many days I desperately wanted to stay holed up in bed. And yet, because I have made a commitment to say yes to whatever spirit puts in front of me as the next thing, here I am each day moving at light speed into the fullest expression of who I really am.

The feedback I received after my class on eliminating racism? That I’m fierce, passionate, warm and brilliant. I have kept my fierceness under wraps for most of my life. I love love love that it is showing itself.

I attended a workshop for large women and their allies last September. One of our leaders talked about how hard it can be to shift some of our old patterns. She gave the direction to wake up each morning and do the hardest thing.

Interpreting what that hardest thing is can be a little tricky. It doesn’t have anything to do with what you think you should do. It’s not about struggle or beating yourself up. It’s about lovingly looking at what’s really holding you back and going after cleaning that up so that you can move forward in your life. Lovingly holding yourself in that space of “Yes. We are going to do this hard thing because what I really want is to be able to move through life freely expressing my full being.” We are all powerful, creative and brilliant. Somewhere along the way, most of us got the message that it was safer to play it small.

Waking up and doing the hardest thing each day is about no longer accepting playing it small in the world. We are needed. Each and every one of us in our full brilliance. The time is now. Know that when you allow yourself to shine big it may be uncomfortable, it may be terrifying, but you are not alone and you can look around you and see others doing the same. Know that I am with you as well. Please let me know if there is any way I can be of assistance as you show yourself more fully in the world.






2 Responses

  1. Melissa

    Beautiful post! Congratulations for showing such courage stepping into your power and more importantly letting your light shine to those who are drawn to it. Doing what’s right isn’t always easy. I’m excited to see what else unfolds as you continue the path! xo