A friend recently pointed me in the direction of the work of Dr. Doug Lisle, PhD, and a video called Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind. In the video he explains the biological processes of why we can easily get derailed with our food choices. Doug Lisle is an engaging, humorous speaker who makes the science of why we do what we do very accessible and easy to relate to.
In interviews with him I kept hearing about a lecture titled Getting Along Without Going Along, but it wasn’t until this week that I made the time to watch it. One of the things I love about Doug Lisle is how he makes challenges seem so easy to overcome. In the beginning of the lecture he presents some of the research so we have background information on why his approach with family and friends works. Then, he gives examples. He brilliantly helps you do exactly what he promises: Get Along Without Going Along. So, you still get to have a relationship with friends and family while staying true to your food choices and values.
How many of us have conflict with at least a few loved ones when it comes to food? I know I have been lucky with my family. The only thing that happens for me is my dad becomes my food police sometimes. He’ll say, “Are you allowed to eat that?” or “I thought you weren’t eating chocolate.” It’s a completely different question/comment than the usual “Where do you get your protein?” or “We were designed to eat meat” that a lot of people hear from their friends and family. Hopefully, Doug’s strategies will help you. At least I think they will give you a good laugh.
Also, if you would like to be more consistent with making the best food choices for yourself, check out The Pleasure Trap, a book Doug Lisle co-wrote with his good friend Dr. Alan Goldhamer, DC. Here is a link to a video lecture of The Pleasure Trap, as well.
Then, continue to work your way through all the video and audio material on his website at Esteem Dynamics. I have loved each one so far and am getting valuable insight into the roots of procrastination and how my personality sets me up for having certain food behaviors.
Plus, Marlene Watson-Tara loves Doug Lisle, too. Here’s her interview with him.
Check him out and let me know what you think in the comments.