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Summer 2020: Smart Heart Health and Supporting the Small Intestine with Warren Kramer


Warren Kramer Summer 2020 Macrobiotic Lecture
Smart Heart Health


Smart Heart Health and Supporting Small Intestine During the Summer
with Warren Kramer
In Traditional Chinese Medicine summertime relates to the activity and rejuvenation of the heart and small intestine. In fact, at this time many people experience issues with circulation and absorption.
This informative and timely talk will include:
Diagnosis of possible trouble with these two paired organs, both visual and symptomatic.
Foods, liquids and lifestyle that harm or support these organs.
Natural Remedies that work.
Managing the heat of the summer months without going to extremes like ice cream and sugared foods.
Applying the Five Transformation Theory to make balance.
Time for question and answer at the end of lecture.
Lecture is about 80 minutes.
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Warren Kramer was a senior macrobiotic counselor and teacher with over 30 years of experience. To learn more about Warren you can go to his website Macrobiotics of New England.