Black Soybeans with Dried Shiitake Mushrooms

posted in: Legumes, Recipes | 3

Black soybeans have a lovely color and firm texture that shines in bean salads and are a wonderful addition to pressure cooked brown rice and beans, especially if you add a little sweet brown rice and chestnuts. Most of the … Continued

10 Ways to Incorporate Sea Vegetables

posted in: Recipes, Sea Vegetables | 0

Several people have asked me for simple ideas for incorporating sea vegetables into meals. Sea vegetables are packed full of minerals and other nutrients. They are potent and you really don’t need much. In my macrobiotic studies, a common recommendation … Continued

Home Cooked Beans

posted in: Legumes, Recipes | 2

Here are several steps to take when cooking dried beans, or legumes, at home. Most of these steps help to increase the digestibility of beans and the kombu also adds beneficial minerals. 1.  Rinse and soak any bean larger than … Continued