Macrobiotic Coronavirus Lectures with Warren Kramer

posted in: Events | 0

I have a deep appreciation for a whole food plant-based diet and its ability to strengthen my immune system. Add to that the wisdom of macrobiotics, energetic properties of food, maintaining alkalinity and traditional lifestyle practices to balance the modern … Continued

Green Monster Soup

posted in: Recipes, seasonal cooking, Soup | 0

I developed this soup out of a desire to create a healing dish that is packed with minerals, deeply nourishing and relaxing; supportive of both the kidneys and liver. I am thrilled with the result. Enjoy! Black lentils are a … Continued

Black Bean Hummus

posted in: Legumes, Recipes | 0

When I was living in Seattle, I would buy the black bean hummus made at PCC. I am not even sure if they are making it anymore because in the last few months I lived there, black bean dip started … Continued

Go Vegan: Marlene Watson-Tara’s New Book!

posted in: Articles, macro find, Resources | 0

There is no reason why the foods that are proven to contribute most profoundly to our health cannot be prepared to provide delicious meals. We should expect it. -Marlene Watson-Tara Marlene Watson-Tara is a plant-based, macrobiotic, vegan teacher, chef and … Continued

The Effect of Our Home Environment on Habit Change

posted in: Articles | 0

Our home environment has a huge impact on our health. Whether we are trying to implement habits that support our health, or eliminate habits that detract from our health, making small changes to your environment can make a big difference. … Continued

Savory Forbidden Rice Patties

posted in: Grains, Recipes | 0

I love to try different varieties of whole grain rice. Jasmine rice, forbidden rice, red rice, jade pearl. There are really too many varieties to name. In this recipe I use forbidden rice, also known as black rice, as the … Continued

Warren Kramer Livestream January 11 and 12, 2019

posted in: Events, macrobiotic principles | 0

I have exciting news! I know many of you could use more consistent macro-boosts on a regular basis. Warren Kramer, Macrobiotics of New England, travels to many cities each year providing lectures, consultations and delicious meals. But, maybe that means … Continued